Friday, 16 March 2018

Boulder thrown off 134 Freeway overpass kills man in car

Boulder thrown off 134 Freeway overpass kills man in car
Authorities are searching for someone who threw a boulder off a freeway overpass in Pasadena, striking and killing a man.
Guadalupe Gutierrez was driving under a freeway overpass in Pasadena when a 35-pound boulder smashed through her windshield and struck her husband in the passenger seat.
She rushed him to the nearest hospital in Glendale, where he died. Now authorities are searching for the person they believe purposefully threw the large rock off the overpass.
The incident occurred just before 9 p.m. Tuesday on the westbound 134 Freeway at Orange Grove Boulevard. Gutierrez was driving home with her husband, Christopher Lopez, as well as her mother and 4-year-old daughter.
"This was an innocent family driving home," Geletko said. "Because of a careless person or persons, their lives will forever be changed."
Through tears, Gutierrez asked witnesses to come forward with information. She said she and her husband decided five months ago to expand their family. About two weeks ago, she found out she was pregnant.
"He was so excited. My daughter was so excited to be a big sister," she said. "Now he's gone. We're asking for your help if anybody saw anything, please help us find whoever did this."
Anyone with information on the incident is asked to call the CHP at (626) 296-8100.

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